You will be claimed as Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) if you pass the CNA Training program and obtain a certificate. Many are engaged in enrolling the program because of its increasing demands. In fact, report says that nursing assistants are growing in number primarily due to an increasing number of seniors worldwide. Thus, there would be unlimited job offerings for CNAs.

Individuals who want to be a CNA must enrol in a Nursing Assistant Program. CNA Training programs are offered by some colleges and vocational schools. The course is usually short, and you can get the certificate for at least a month. In order to be a certified nursing assistant, you must have a certification as well as pass the examination. Once you complete the program, your name will be placed at the Registry of Nursing Aides. Furthermore, included in the certification requirement is the at least 75 hours on the job training. Yet, this may vary to some states since some of them may require you to have more CNA Training. After passing the examination, you will be required to pass the physical assessment. This means that you must be free from any form of illness or disease such as tuberculosis. Online training courses for CNA are nearly unacceptable and can’t be credited by many of the states.

The program primarily focuses on lectures about duties of Certified Nursing Assistants (CNA), demonstration of different medical procedures, legal issues, patient-care activities and other related topics. In addition, the individual will be also learning different medical terminologies, little pharmacology, basics of nursing and even emergency procedures. The course will be led by medical professionals, usually registered nurses.

Certified Nursing Assistants will be under the supervision of registered nurse, doctors and a licensed practical nurse. CNAs may also work in medical clinics, doctors’ offices and day care schools.